

long sleeve // jeans // shoes // similar bag // keychain tassel (customized)

spring is here :) tuesday was the first day of spring and not gonna lie, it’s raining today and still feels kind of like winter. i’m telling you.. people don’t pay much attention to groundhog’s day, but he was NOT lying when he said we were going to have six more weeks of winter.

i never really stray from wearing black and neutrals but tried to throw a little bit of pink in my outfit yesterday. just to be festive and all. haha

i do think this pink purse is a little ridiculous because it's about half my size but i specifically got it for that reason 🙈 i can fit just about anything in it. i have fit everybody's food takeout in it before, and it comes in handy when i forget reusable bags at the grocery store - i think that’s just a california thing though. 

the bag is by kate spade and that brand alwayssssss reminds me of boston and my family because it's on the preppier side. side note, i love how boston has seasons. i have always wanted to live there for a year because it would be so fun to experience the changing seasons from start to end. 

especially all of the cold fall and winter days. i always think about how many days out of a year they are able to wear coats. but then i remember how all of my cousins are used to the cold and don’t wear coats the second it hits 50 and below.. and how i would probably look stupid decked out in a coat and gloves when everyone around me is just in long sleeves. haha but still. one day i’ll go for longer than a few weeks.

and just to add a little bit more pink i included one of my keychains by kendra beshk - she offers a ton of colors and varieties and they are all customizable. the one pictured is in the shade blush.

i have quite a few other colors with different sayings and always get them for family and friends when they come visit or to commemorate something big or fun.

this is probably the most pink i will ever wear at one time (even though it isn’t all that much).

on an unrelated note.. i miss football season :(

thank you for reading :)

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