hi i hope you are having a good day :)
today i’m sharing a little motto for how i am organizing my days as of late.. call it a new year’s resolution if you wish, but it’s more of a daily checklist than a resolution.
see · DO · feel · SAY
when i was thinking about resolutions and considering what i wanted this year to be about and how i wanted to live it, i realized it was less about specific goals and more about how i wanted to feel and the memories i wanted to make. because that’s what sticks in your mind when you really think about it.
although i do love resolutions and goals, i wanted to remove the robustness of it all and allow for more flexibility and spontaneity. so each morning i take a second to fill this out:
what is one thing i want to see and do today? how do i want to feel?
lastly, what is one thing i want to say? there will always be another item on your to do list that you can get to, but what do i want my loved one to hear from me? because, as you may know, there are fewer things you regret more than the words you left unsaid.
a lot of times this reminds me to watch the sunset. and really watch it, not watch it through my screen so i can share it all with you (even though i’d share the world with you if i could). it reminds me to do something that makes me happy right then and there, even if it maybe wouldn’t make it onto my “i want to take over the world by the time i’m 97” to do list.
and most days i want to feel calm, or at the very least, present. now that i’ve put this into practice for a few weeks, i’m realizing that i want to make sure someone hears me say how grateful i am for them each day.
i hope this resonates with you in some way, and if it does, i’ve attached two little graphics for you to use as well.